26 Coromar Dr. Goleta, CA 93117
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm PST
International Sales
North America | Europe | Asia | Africa | Middle East | Latin America
Sales | Customer Support
iCRco. Inc. is a US-based, global medical imaging equipment manufacturer with business in over 90 countries. From our headquarters in Goleta, California, we work and coordinate with our dealers and distributors to provide you the best service. Our sales team is composed of knowledgeable and experienced veterans in the medical imaging industry.
With territory managers positioned in the United States, Asia Pacific, India, Europe, and Latin America, we can assist you no matter where you are. All iCRco sales managers stand ready to answer your questions and address the needs of your business and practice.
International Sales
Europe | Asia | Middle East | Africa | Australia | Latin America
Technical Support | Direct Line
Domestic Sales
United States
Sales Support | Direct Line
Thank you for reaching out to us today, we will be more than happy to help.
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